Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Teaching the meaning of Numbers

We all want our kids to count with Autistic kids something they grab really fast is the memorization of speaking number sequence like 1,2,3...
But the real work is making them understand the value of numbers and also put the numbers in the correct order by themselves.
So many times they know how to count, but if you scramble numbers do they know to put the numbers in order?
I started to think about things we could do at home.
So I did 2 files and one of them free which is a great companion.
The first one is Learning Numbers 1-2 Basic Level vol 1 which first is matching numbers, matching the values of the numbers and more advanced the child creates the value herself.

You can check more samples  HERE.

I did a FREE File Learning to count Mats vol 1 FREE which is a great companion.
It's basically mats that you can use objects like buttons, beads, anything for the child to put the right
amount on the mats and as a bonus I've included 2 color match sorting mat.

I did as vol 1 because I hope to do some more. Download FREE HERE.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Play Sequence and FREE file

 I 've discovered this new blog from a SLP browsing podcasts at iTunes. Her podcasts are short but very informative and one of the episodes caught my attention because is about the stuff I love to research and strive for my son which is: play. This particular one was about play sequence which is very important for kids with Autism. Play skills is something in the field I like to research it never really crossed my mind how imagination, curiosity are things so normal for us but it's such a struggle for kids with autism. And many people have no idea including parents that things have to be really laid out in step by step sequences, it makes them to understand better and it's close to the way they think no matter what age they are. So I decided to start with play-dough play sequence mats. Sometimes people want to start right away with all this play-dough kits and gadgets but the kids have no idea how to use them and end up using play-dough in their mouth or other things.
So I decided to start a collection of play-dough sequence mat and this my first one.

There are about 9 pages and it's FREE. You can download here.
Soon I will see if I start to recording a video on how to use those. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Autism Acceptance Month

    April is here and every April  a lot of talk about Autism Awareness is going on, I myself have a Autism Awareness magnet on my car. But I think people are really more aware of Autism than ever before what I think we have to start to work on is ACCEPTANCE.
The society need to accept and parents need to accept. Acceptance is not a easy path in any side of our life no matter what is you have to accept. Acceptance means sometimes acknowledge that things will go against our plans and against what we think is right. As parents we like to think we have everything under control and everything specially related to our children if we think there is a problem than we will take care of it we will "fix it".
    Doesn't mean we don't have frustrations, doesn't mean we can not get tired but it means that we find new ways to deal with it and accept Autism is not a disease  being so there is not a cure no matter how some people and the "youtube " doctors like to say.
Society and parents have to stop to spend so much time and energy in trying to find just how this happens and how can we ever prevent it from happening and instead how they can help and give more chances to those families that can't afford basic therapy for the kids. More work training for Autistic Adults more ABA therapy at schools and so on. This is what we need today.

Some links that inspire me:

Autism Acceptance Month - A web page done by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network formed by Autistic Adults to fight for rights for Adults in the work force.

I'm not waiting my son to grow out of Autism - this great post from Autism mom blogger Autism Wonderland.

And a collection of other great posts from her. HERE

And my favorite movie Loving Lampposts.

I just wish more acceptance in the world.
